Trout’s 24th Birthday Bash

Mike Trout's 24th birthdayMike Trout continues to make birthdays a big deal. He seemingly steps up his game for both his own and his mother’s birthday. For his 24th birthday he had two hits, two walks, two runs and started the party off with a home run. This was his third birthday home run in four years. He’s now hit a home run on his 21st, 22nd, and 24th birthdays.

In the locker room before the game Albert Pujols kicked things off with a hilarious birthday tradition. The fans in right field got the game started by signing happy birthday to the center fielder. Trout seemed touched and honored by the love and support he receives from Angel fans.

Mike Trout's 24th birthday

On Saturday Trout tweeted a special thanks to all his fans.

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