Eyes to See a Hero

Thomas Walkup of Millville, New Jersey was a boy with a dream to see his hero, Mike Trout. Unfortunately he suffered from Nystagmus, also known as Shaky Eye Syndrome, which left him with perpetually blurry vision. Fortunately, medical technology has advanced to include a surgery that can repair the condition but only one clinic in the country is able to perform the surgery. The clinic happens to be Gavin Herbert Eye Institute of Irvine, California which neighbors Anaheim.

Hearing that Thomas’s family would be traveling to Orange County, Mike’s Mom, Debbie Trout, stepped in to help Thomas meet Mike at Angel Stadium and watch his hero play just 8 days after his eye surgery. Despite being able to see clearly for the first time in his life, he says being able to see Mike Trout was the best part of his trip.

MLB Network put together a touching piece about the story and what Mike is willing to do for a fan off the field.

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